I’m not an emotional person, but this wedding had me in tears! This was one of the most intimate and personalized weddings that I have had the privilege to be a part of. Sean and Kim are perfect for one another. I love being able to witness and capture couples who are so compatible. Sean and Kim are unique because they are each others first loves. They have been together since high school. They are still crazy for each other and I love how they beat the odds and found their true love the first time around. Sean and Kim tied the knot back in 2012, but they did not get around to having their dream wedding. Two years later, they now have a son and their dream wedding has finally become a reality! They share such special bonds with their families and I loved how many people came together to celebrate this sweet couple. Congrats Sean and Kim!
The perfect father/daughter wedding gift… customized cuff links!
Sean and Kim had a butterfly release.
One of the butterflies landed on Kim’s sister!
Their adorable son, Landon!
I loved this DIY cotton candy machine. Delicious and fun!
I loved when he wiped the tears from her face!
Emotional speeches. They were amazing!
By far my favorite moment! Kim’s younger brother surprised her with a personalized song.
He was so nervous, but he knew how much this would mean to her.
Not a dry eye in the entire reception!
It’s easy to hire a babysitter and just use this day to celebrate and focus on one another.
However, these two incorporated Landon into everything!
He sat at their dinner table and they did a special dance with him.
Landon even tagged along on their honeymoon.
These two are selfless parents. I love how much they love their son!
And this is another reason why I love these two! They are not afraid to have fun!
An emotional sibling slow dance. I love their tight bond!