On August 25th our family was blessed with our first nephew, Kaswell. In our big family, we are surrounded by girls so we were all excited when Jess announced that their third was going to be a boy. Jess was blessed with a quick and healthy delivery. Trent and I were nearby so we were able to visit them within an hour of Kaswell’s birth. Kaswell was born 8lbs 9oz & 20in and topped with the cutest little head of hair. The nurse wrapped him tight like a little burrito and he slept peacefully as we passed him around and covered him with kisses.
Celebrating one week young, I came over to grab a few shots of him at their new home. Keep in mind that when having three children, it’s not common to have them all happy at the same time. We were approaching Kordelia’s nap time so we were only able to grab a quick shot of her. She is usually the happiest little baby, but if we cut into her sleep, she becomes upset and has her diva moments. We held her against her will and we were able to grab a sweet family photo. This will be a funny shot to look back on when she’s older! I love my family and I’m thankful that it keeps growing. I’m especially thankful that Knute and Jess are so quick to pop them out because they continue to make all the grandparents happy while giving Trent and I more time to… you know… not be pregnant ;) Happy belated birthday, Kaswell!
Kambria showing off some of her favorite toys.
She loves her baby brother. She always wants to touch and hold him.
She’s such a sweet sister!
Jess is truly a super mom, I look up to her in so many ways. She runs around like a crazy person and in the midst of noise and chaos, she is always calm.
She is so loved by her sweet girls and I can’t wait to see what a little mama’s boy Kaswell will become.
The girls adore their daddy. They are his shadow. When he walks into the kitchen, when he is on the phone, when he moves anywhere around the house, they are right behind him. When Kambria was little, only her daddy was allowed to change her diaper. I secretly think Jess trained her to say that, but every time she went to the bathroom, she would come running to Knute and point to her diaper. He never complained and we would all always laugh over it. He is such a fun and attentive dad. I love being able to witness it!
Here is Kaswell in all his glory. Isn’t he beautiful?!
Such a sweet face.
His middle name is Prince so the crown is very fitting.Those are some smoochable lips!
My favorite shots from the day.