“Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope.”

- Maya Angelou

Maternity Session: Eddie & Jessica | Analisa Joy Photography | Upland, CA Photographer

It is round two photographing Eddie and Jessica. It seems like it was just yesterday that I was photographing their engagement session. I was so excited when they contacted me to let me know that they were having a baby! Now that I have a baby of my own, I’m all about baby peer pressure so that my couples can join the parent life with me ;). Nothing bonds you like a middle of the night SnapChat (@analisajoy) session with your mama friends and their little ones.

Eddie and Jessica were not anticipating having a baby so soon, but God had another plan for them. Their little girl is a wedding night baby and they discovered the news on their honeymoon a few weeks later. Jessica had to forgo the all-inclusive drinks on their trip, but after getting over the shock of it all these two were able to celebrate in paradise with the fact that they were about to become parents.

I loved photographing this special time in their lives. Eddie and I went to high school together so we always enjoy reminiscing on the past. I was blessed with a really fun high school experience and I’m thankful for the friendships that came out of it. I really love when I get to extend those friendships after meeting/photographing husbands, wives, and babies. I think I’ll just use Eddie now to hang out with Jessica because she is the truly the sweetest!

I’m over the moon excited for these two and I loved that we ended our evening with a date to Baked Bear. Clearly, I couldn’t get enough of them and I had to extend our time together as long as possible. I’m so excited to see their little girl in a few weeks and to introduce her to her future boyfriend… Bryer. Congrats Eddit and Jessica!

Look at this gorgeous mama-to-be!! Glowing!

Love these two! So much joy!

The best!

Those tiny shoes… The sweetest!

I love this shot of Eddie! Describes him perfectly! 

Random wall chalk that matched her outfit perfectly! Awesome!

It was supposed to be innocent splashing…

Sorry Eddie!

Meet Annalisa

Believer, wife, mom.

based in

southern california.

available for worldwide travel.


