Back in 2014, Trent and I went on a mission trip to Belize. Going into the trip, we thought we were going to receive our own room. When we arrived, we were informed that we would be receiving roommates due to overbooking. After they told us, I complained to Trent how awkward this was going to be to have to share a room for a week with another couple. Mission trips are vulnerable enough and I was looking forward to being able to have my own space toward the end of the day. I’m embarrassed to say how selfish I was acting even though we were told that we were being grouped with an awesome couple. THEN we met our new roommates, Greg and Jess and it was instant love from our first conversation!
I cannot express enough how much I look up to this couple. God knew what He was doing when He paired us together. Greg and I were on the media team. I photographed the mission teams throughout the week while Greg filmed. Greg and I grew really close because we spent our entire day walking around the island and interviewing locals and our fellow teammates. Trent was on the sports team and Jess participated on the dance team. Those two instantly connected with their never ending energy and love for activities. Everyday, we would work in the hot sun from sunrise to 10pm. I remember walking back to our room with my eyes almost closed because of how tired I was. However, the moment we got into our room, we would sit on the couch and talk for hours into the night. These two would make Trent and I laugh so hard that Trent would continually get the hiccups. That only occurs if you’re really funny. Every night, we would tell ourselves that we would get some sleep, but then we would look at the clock and it was 2am. I remember Greg and Jess talking about possibly having a baby after this trip. We discussed names and what it would be like to start a family. It’s crazy to think how much our lives have already changed from that trip and that I just took their family photos with their new son, Beckett.
Besides Trent, Greg and Jess were the first people to hear about Kylie’s diagnosis. She was diagnosed with her cancer on the third day of our trip. They were in the room with me when I received the call. I had a break down and my first panic attack. These two got me through the week. Jess would write me letters and leave them by my bed every morning. They prayed with me every night and poured never ending love and support into Trent and I throughout our entire trip. After Belize we knew we gained forever friends.
Greg is a news anchor for NBC 7. They have an amazing apartment downtown that’s on the top floor with a view of the ballpark. They host BBQs at their place so you can watch the baseball games. Their love toward one another is so sweet, selfless, and effortless. They are always complimenting and praising each other. Greg always walks down the street to buy Jess fresh flowers and while she brings so much joy to their home with her never ending optimism and passion for life. Trent and I try to grab monthly dinner with these two and every time we leave we are inspired in one way or another. Whether it’s by their trendy decor or their attitudes, we love learning from their marriage and their outlook on life. I’m so thankful for these Godly mentors and that He doesn’t always listen to us when we want things a certain way. I would’ve been so sad if He gave me what I wanted when I arrived to Belize because I would have never received their amazing roommates who have forever impacted my life. Our family session took place in their home and around downtown. It was a, “day in the life” type of vibe and since I love this family so much, I’ll be framing a few for my own house. Sorry for the novel, but I could gush about these two forever. Here are some of my favorites, enjoy!
I loved that they started their session in their pajamas!
Have I told you all that I have a weakness for baby onesies?
This sweet boy is always stamped with mama’s kisses!
He is such a happy baby!
A favorite of mine. I love his little toes!
When they didn’t have a name for Beckett, they would call him little bee. I love the bee in his nursery!
Jess is such a natural mother! She is just so beautiful inside and out!
Love this precious family picture!
A baby mobile from Uganda. A gift from another girl that we met in Belize who is now one of our best friends (and Beckett’s babysitter).
A few shots from their balcony. Their view is amazing!
We walked around their neighborhood for a few downtown shots!
Aren’t they just the cutest?!
Loved this chalk wall!